Sunday, December 20, 2009

YC REV.AMP (cont...)

ok...  now to cont.

Day 6:
We  just stayed at church today... AND WE HAD GAMES!! Ok, ill tell u all the games i remember. first was some game where you hv to go and stop and if u move u go bak to the start. i made it on my first try! then there was some weird chair maze thingy, then there was a 'detour. (like amazing race). It was either 'eating' or 'SPeating'. My team chose sptting and i am so glad they did. We just need to juice the fruits in our mouths and fill up a container. There was celery unfortunately, but we made it. the eating challenge, was horrible cos, they had to eat onions, garlic, bitter gourd and bla bla bla. Some ppl vomited k. My team won first in games!!! Just like cc camp...  then there was a car pushing game.i sat in the car XD. then got a few other games i 4got. then later in the day, we were walking up the stairs outside then charis saw sumtin in a puddle. it was a baby bird. It was all wet and i think, injured. It was shivering. Charis, the 'experienced' one, held it in her hands to warm it down. Then we went for sat service. Then we checked on the bird outside, it was dry adi. we had made it a box and put tissure in it so it had a little home i guess. In the end Charis brought it home. I named it 'Hope' because although it had almost died, it still had a hope to live.

Day 7 (last... :'( )
Charis brought the bird again. it was alive and  well :D and it was soo cute and fluffy. it was redy to fly adi. but we tried to make it fly but i think it had injured it's wing so it couldnt fly... so sad. then we closed the whole rev.amp.


Saturday, December 19, 2009


Oh man... this was soo fun. This is soo much more fun than Children's Camp man!!
Ok... Day 2 (Day 1 was a bit boring larr)
We went to MPH to help promote Alicia Loh's book, *drunm rolls* 'The Final Chapter'. The book was awesome! And she's only 13... like mee!!! She is 'terminally ill'.... that's wad pastor rose told us to call it. But I din rilly promote lar. XD I just sat around and read her book. The book is (I think) available in all MPH bookstores under 'New Arrivals'. Make sure u get it!!! It's only RM15 bucks man. For a book like this, CHEAP!!!!!!! Anyway... lol. Here is a group photo we took.

PS: Click on the photo to enlarge. Guess where I am!!! lol...
Alicia's Blog/Webbie at

==I couldn't go for the main activities on Day 3 n 4 cos i had some 'personal stuff...'

Day 5
TREE PLANTING!!!! We went to some random padang in Subang to plant these trees.There were 35 trees. Every tree can provide enough oxygen for one average adult. So I paired up with... John. lol not sure of his sirname la. Then we wanted to tale the trees on the hill but all taken adi. So we found one on flat land. I tot it was better cos i am afraid of heaights. So we dug but the ones on flat land, the ground was harder. Actually I admit, John did most of the diggin. But after a while when he got deeper I helped la. Quite fun actually. Charis did the 'cangul-ing' until she got blisters on her fingers...ouch!


Thursday, December 10, 2009


Trust is so important in our lives. It strenghtens bonds, friendships and family.
Trust is something like a glass  bottle. It is beautiful and pure. And strong.

When you have trust, you share secrets, work together and just well, chat. But, trust is a very fragile thing. Once the bond of trust is broken, it is very well broken forever.

If you want to do something cheeky, think about the consequences. Don't wait for the glass to get broken. Once broken, you will never be able to fix it back to the way it used to be. There will always be a flaw in it compared to when it was once perfect. The only way to make it perfect again, is to be patient, melt it and slowly mould it and cool it. But instead of going through all this stress, why not just don't cause it at all? It may take years to regain someone's trust. Remember the theory of the glass bottle. Always think before you make a move.
sowwie. just felt emo for a while there cos i remembered sumtin i did. ive had the xperience so trust me, yes, TRUST me and dont do the wrong thing.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

computer mania...

Here are some screenshots from the game ive been playing (game of life) -MY BIG WINS!!
BIGGEST WIN!! (you may see the the 5 is redone but i promise you i rilly got 5.. just so happened the confetti was infront of my score when i printed the screen...)

Not so big win:

Charis becoming insane... DOTS!!! (charis is red, my fren is purple)

Well, i guess thats all. Luv you computer!! To see the pics bigger click on them...

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Oh man!! Just came back from cc camp at genting and i am so excited to tell u about it cos it was soooo fun!! excuse any spelling mistakes cos i am soooo excited!!

okay... start from day 1::
left church at about... dunno wad time la cos i too excited. almost all helpers ride in van. i sat wiv jedida. ruby like emo oni in the bus cos she listen to music while reading her pyschology book... then i just bising la cos bryan hair so wet from sweat. then dunno how suddenly david laugh then he ter spit on bryan... LOL I couldn't stop laughing. ok, then we arrived at genting

 during the games, i lepak at the side wiv my fwens... i met new ppl. the food wasnt XTRA nice la but, be grateful rit?

Day 2::
i went to the morning watch. i supposed to wake up at 5:45 but i woke up at 5 to go tandas. then i try to sleep but until 5:30 tak boleh so i just wake up. at 5, ruby wasnt in her bed but i was too lazy to find her. then when i woke up at 5:30, she came back. then we bising in the toilet cos after we wake the others up. she actually felt hungry and went out to eat cup noodles... then we tok till about 5:50 then fster get redi then go morn watch.

games i lepak again.

Day 3::
went to morn watch at 6:30. supposed to be 6 but i too sleepy.
then all helpers had to do the chicken dance BCOS of Nick, ben, bryan, jon... they din sleep during siesta (rest time). I so gud gal sleep but bcos of them... haih
Ben brought this torchlight that cost 150 bucks =O and the batteries are like 44 buck for two XO its seriously powerful. when he shines it in the mist, (genting mah) it looks like a beam saber lol. when i went for my evening walk, i kinda went nuts from the cold. i sang the song from atb 'i feel, i feel so alive' again and again. trust me, you wouldn't hv wanted to mess wiv me when in that state. \

Day 4::
i din go for morn watch cos i too sleepy. neither did ruby. couldn't go out for morning walk cos raining. soo cold man!! now feel so hot... then tok wiv mah fwens. MY GROUP GOT 1ST IN GAMES!! =D but helpers dun get prize... =( then the free gift was a bottle and a bottle holder. so much better than last year... then at night, i drank half a cup of coffee to stay awake cos we get to stay late till 12!! (only... but better than nth) then bryan drank 9 cups of coffee!!! =O i wanted to hang out at the foyer but i scared kena eye bags so i just sleep.then all the kids ask for my autograph... XD then i ate cup noodles... and lotsa vsoy.

Day 5::
Going bak home... :( anyway, when we were on our way bak, all of us helpers shouted bye to everyone we saw as a tradition. all the genting ppl smile and wave bak but the kl ppl all glare at us like we are crazy... so fun.