Saturday, July 25, 2009

Last Week... (continuation of 'DrAmA MaMa')

Recent happenings:
It was a peaceful day. The whole class was in Lab 6, being tought by their science teacher. While completing their work, one of the girls rushed to thier class monitor saying "Eh, monyet dah masuk kelas kita! Kelas kita berserepak!" (English: "Eh, monkeys have entered our class! Our whole class in a mess!") So our responsible monitor and Drama Mama rush to class to find the whole classmessed up. There were noodles on a chair, colour pencils, a rubik's cube, water bottle open and empty (the water was on the floor) and the dustbin was overturned. Drama Mama screamed and kicks her chair in rage when she found her bottle empty on her table and the floor around her wet. They go back to the lab and finish the science lesson. Once back at class, they all clean up the mess. That was when they discovered some monkey poop on Angee's chair. Unfortunately it had touched Angee's bag too. So their BM teacher let them spend almost the whole lesson cleaning up the class.
Not only does taking the LRT save money, it also saves the enviroment. If you live in Ampang, Sri Petaling, Sentul Timur, Senutl, Bandar Tun Razak, Salak Selatan and many more, take the LRT!!
The Show-Lenka
Make it Mine-Jason Mraz
I'm Yours-Jason Mraz
Lucky-Jason Mraz
Look them up in YouTube!

PS:Sorry about the many 'to be continued...' 'cos I sometimes am blank

Friday, July 24, 2009

DrAmA mAmA

LOL... guess what I'm being called now by Angee... DRAMA MAMA!!
Here's why:
1) When I went on jungle trekking, Angee terstep on my foot then I scream. Then she whack me, then I scream too... then when mosquitos come near me I scream... then she called me drama mama...

Anyway recent happenings:
::jungle trekking
::something of mine kena rampas
::Tues was bad
(to be continued...)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Yellow! :D (continued)

On Friday someting sooooo funny happened::
Me, Angee, Alicia, Ting Huan, Hui Min and Che Yan were sitting at the table during recces...We were eating then Che Yan wanted one of Alicia's wan tan. Then CY very fussy want to use a toothpick to take the wan tan off another stick. Then Angee try to help lor. Still cannot get the want tan off... then suddenly Hui Min use her hand and take the wan tan and put it in her mouth. LOL Then Che Yan take Angee's nugget. LOL. (luckily I finish my keropok oredy...)

Hope to post soon!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Yellow! :D

Ello! Long time no post!

Recent happenings::
=Targeted marks: (b4 exam)
=Targeted marks: (marks I think I will get)(after exam)

So teruk hor? Anyway I'll continue the post l8er...

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Manhattan Fish Market

Wah... today I went to eat at The Manhattan Fish Market... the fish sooo nice and smooth. I wish I could have tried their flaming prawns but too expensive liao... I SO LOVE THEIR GARLIC BUTTER RICE!! It is like so cool and just right the texture... not too hard not too soft. AND THE TASTE IS AWESOME! LOL... this is the first time I ever been there... so expensive mar. I only went cos I got some vouchers. Anyway, when you go there, REMEBER TO TRY THE GARLIC BUTTER RICE!! (man, the calamari was like ee-yuck but it is actually nice... I just hate valamari... =P)

Friday, July 10, 2009

ezy cum, ezy go

LOL... I dunno wat's wrong with me. I cry so easily... then I recover ultra fast! I was playing some stupid game involving chairs (you know this Brendy!!) then I was the unlucky one at the end so I had to 'throw' the cahir as far as I can then jump on it then the others (6 ppl on 4 chairs) cross over onto the next chair then the one at the other end passes the chairs. It was easy at first it was like a rhythm cos it was like take, trow jump, land, turn take, jump, land, turn... (I didn't really jump just like crossing over while the chair is leaning to one side or rather losing my balance cos Brenda is like holding on to the chair bending down so I didn't have much space [or should I say NO space!] to turn so I kept losing my balance while 'throwing' the chair. (The ppl at the back so gedik cos they are like 'jauh! jauh!')Things seemed to be easy at first... I miraculously managed to keep my balance perectly at first. Then I looked aroung and saw that our team was the last. Then I tried to throw the chair further and further. Brenda was like so scared to cross over. She kept saying 'It's so far!'... lol. Anyway the problem started when I was trying to 'jump' then my left leg slipped but it was dangling there cos my right leg managed to get a grip. (we had to take off our shoes for this). Then it went well again then I slipped and both my legs landed on each side of the chair but I was still standing up. Then okay, then I slipped and the chair fell down but I was okay. Then when the game was gonna fin, I totally slipped and not only did our team get last but I fell down and the chair kinda fell on me! After that, bcos of the shock, the humiliation that I fell down and anger, I started to cry... LOL. Then after about 15 mins, I hummed Lenka's The Show during my sobbing... then I felt happy again... lol. Then I decided to join in the next game. Brenda looked surprised then asked me 'Why you recover so fast?'... LOL!! What a day, what a day...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


LOL! My skool beat Chen Keat's skool teruk-teruk liao! I saw his look of 'despair' (though I hardly think someone as laidback as him will be). Our school got 1st for choral speaking at state level! CK's skool didn't win anything... muahaha! I was so happy that I screamed my head off when it was announced! I was so overjoyed (although I wasn't in ch0ral speaking)... Anyway, dunno whether CK was deaf or something but I call his name so loud he didn't hear!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Holidays are never long enough...

How, how true. HOLS ARE NEVER LONG ENOUGH!! When you get to the start of the loooong hols, in the blink of an eye, the end is near! LOL. Then you think "TT I hate skool!!"... they're never long enough are they?

Saturday, July 4, 2009

LOL lar Angee...

Yesterday there was a fire drill... then all of us went out to the St John's skool there... earlier during BM two prefects had went to call Angee for sumtin. Then when we got to the St John's place, we had to line up A-Z. That's when I realised that Angee was missing. I somehow connected it with the prefects calling her. But I wasn't sure but I suddenly knew. Her fren, Jaiya thought it was a real kebakaran then she almost cried when she couldnt find Angee... Angee was actually at the bilik sakit waiting for sumone to find her. But no one came. Then, Angee refered to herself as 'roasted chicken'... ROFL!!

me bday!!

My Impossible Bday List::
₪A Nintendo Wii
₪A PS3
₪A new house
₪A letter saying you will pay for all my electric bills
₪My own laptop

My Actual Bday list::
ஓA nice book
ஓA trip to Sunway Lagoon
ஓA new hairband (scrunchie) and another small thing
ஓBeryl's Chocolate worth RM50
ஓA trip to Aquaria or Petrosains
ஓA chance to go jalan-jalan with my frens
ஓA nice digital watch
ஓA nice expensive wallet
ஓAn extra cool t-shirt
ஓA really cool necklace or an awesome pendant
ஓA nice pretty bracelet

Things I suggest you don't buy::
♨Soft toys (I really have enough)
♨Ear rings... I did not pierce my ears!!
♨A skirt.... seriously
♨Key chains... I really have too many
♨Ornaments (eg: photo frames, ceramic stuff...)... just left there to collect dust
♨Cups/mugs... obviously I have enough
♨A kiddy book... really
♨lats but not least... NOTEBOOKS!!


Aiyo... feel like kicking myself!! I totally regret not memorizing my oral test properly... I like totally screwed up! One of my frens went first then I realized in the one I memorized I missed out a lot of things... then I tried to make my own. Teacher obviously pick one chinese, one malay and one indian. First was Mohana then Amira... then I was like, trying to make my own up and hopin teacher wont pick me... and then... "Ah..." Then teacher pointed at me... I felt like I had the worst luck in the whole world!! Then I totally said all the wrong things. I was stuttering at every sentence!! Then when I finished, (teacher had said "good" at Mo and Amira's ones) teacher didnt even say good! I felt so embarrased!! Then here comes the worst part. After me, one more girl couldnt finish her sinopsis then teacher started to explain to everybody!! Then teacher said the next day she will ask the others... then the next day she gave us theplot and all that stuff... I feel so unfair cos I and the others who did oredy had to read the totally confusing story by ourselves then we had to do the sinopsis ourselves!! Now the others whoh haven do have a clearer idea of what to write in the sinopsis... SOOOO UNFAIR!!! Here's sumtin I did while waiting for a fren to fin:

b4:: nervous
durin:: very nervous
after:: mega dissapointed...

(b4: b4 the test, during, during the test, after, after the test)

Oh well... hope to post again!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Sorry Angee...

Sorry Angee! But still I feel u r so bad cos u make me so emo just becos u dun like the poll!! I tot u went bak to ignoring me... rupa-rupanya just bcos of that!!! Whatlar you!!!