Friday, July 10, 2009

ezy cum, ezy go

LOL... I dunno wat's wrong with me. I cry so easily... then I recover ultra fast! I was playing some stupid game involving chairs (you know this Brendy!!) then I was the unlucky one at the end so I had to 'throw' the cahir as far as I can then jump on it then the others (6 ppl on 4 chairs) cross over onto the next chair then the one at the other end passes the chairs. It was easy at first it was like a rhythm cos it was like take, trow jump, land, turn take, jump, land, turn... (I didn't really jump just like crossing over while the chair is leaning to one side or rather losing my balance cos Brenda is like holding on to the chair bending down so I didn't have much space [or should I say NO space!] to turn so I kept losing my balance while 'throwing' the chair. (The ppl at the back so gedik cos they are like 'jauh! jauh!')Things seemed to be easy at first... I miraculously managed to keep my balance perectly at first. Then I looked aroung and saw that our team was the last. Then I tried to throw the chair further and further. Brenda was like so scared to cross over. She kept saying 'It's so far!'... lol. Anyway the problem started when I was trying to 'jump' then my left leg slipped but it was dangling there cos my right leg managed to get a grip. (we had to take off our shoes for this). Then it went well again then I slipped and both my legs landed on each side of the chair but I was still standing up. Then okay, then I slipped and the chair fell down but I was okay. Then when the game was gonna fin, I totally slipped and not only did our team get last but I fell down and the chair kinda fell on me! After that, bcos of the shock, the humiliation that I fell down and anger, I started to cry... LOL. Then after about 15 mins, I hummed Lenka's The Show during my sobbing... then I felt happy again... lol. Then I decided to join in the next game. Brenda looked surprised then asked me 'Why you recover so fast?'... LOL!! What a day, what a day...

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