Sunday, December 20, 2009

YC REV.AMP (cont...)

ok...  now to cont.

Day 6:
We  just stayed at church today... AND WE HAD GAMES!! Ok, ill tell u all the games i remember. first was some game where you hv to go and stop and if u move u go bak to the start. i made it on my first try! then there was some weird chair maze thingy, then there was a 'detour. (like amazing race). It was either 'eating' or 'SPeating'. My team chose sptting and i am so glad they did. We just need to juice the fruits in our mouths and fill up a container. There was celery unfortunately, but we made it. the eating challenge, was horrible cos, they had to eat onions, garlic, bitter gourd and bla bla bla. Some ppl vomited k. My team won first in games!!! Just like cc camp...  then there was a car pushing game.i sat in the car XD. then got a few other games i 4got. then later in the day, we were walking up the stairs outside then charis saw sumtin in a puddle. it was a baby bird. It was all wet and i think, injured. It was shivering. Charis, the 'experienced' one, held it in her hands to warm it down. Then we went for sat service. Then we checked on the bird outside, it was dry adi. we had made it a box and put tissure in it so it had a little home i guess. In the end Charis brought it home. I named it 'Hope' because although it had almost died, it still had a hope to live.

Day 7 (last... :'( )
Charis brought the bird again. it was alive and  well :D and it was soo cute and fluffy. it was redy to fly adi. but we tried to make it fly but i think it had injured it's wing so it couldnt fly... so sad. then we closed the whole rev.amp.


Saturday, December 19, 2009


Oh man... this was soo fun. This is soo much more fun than Children's Camp man!!
Ok... Day 2 (Day 1 was a bit boring larr)
We went to MPH to help promote Alicia Loh's book, *drunm rolls* 'The Final Chapter'. The book was awesome! And she's only 13... like mee!!! She is 'terminally ill'.... that's wad pastor rose told us to call it. But I din rilly promote lar. XD I just sat around and read her book. The book is (I think) available in all MPH bookstores under 'New Arrivals'. Make sure u get it!!! It's only RM15 bucks man. For a book like this, CHEAP!!!!!!! Anyway... lol. Here is a group photo we took.

PS: Click on the photo to enlarge. Guess where I am!!! lol...
Alicia's Blog/Webbie at

==I couldn't go for the main activities on Day 3 n 4 cos i had some 'personal stuff...'

Day 5
TREE PLANTING!!!! We went to some random padang in Subang to plant these trees.There were 35 trees. Every tree can provide enough oxygen for one average adult. So I paired up with... John. lol not sure of his sirname la. Then we wanted to tale the trees on the hill but all taken adi. So we found one on flat land. I tot it was better cos i am afraid of heaights. So we dug but the ones on flat land, the ground was harder. Actually I admit, John did most of the diggin. But after a while when he got deeper I helped la. Quite fun actually. Charis did the 'cangul-ing' until she got blisters on her fingers...ouch!


Thursday, December 10, 2009


Trust is so important in our lives. It strenghtens bonds, friendships and family.
Trust is something like a glass  bottle. It is beautiful and pure. And strong.

When you have trust, you share secrets, work together and just well, chat. But, trust is a very fragile thing. Once the bond of trust is broken, it is very well broken forever.

If you want to do something cheeky, think about the consequences. Don't wait for the glass to get broken. Once broken, you will never be able to fix it back to the way it used to be. There will always be a flaw in it compared to when it was once perfect. The only way to make it perfect again, is to be patient, melt it and slowly mould it and cool it. But instead of going through all this stress, why not just don't cause it at all? It may take years to regain someone's trust. Remember the theory of the glass bottle. Always think before you make a move.
sowwie. just felt emo for a while there cos i remembered sumtin i did. ive had the xperience so trust me, yes, TRUST me and dont do the wrong thing.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

computer mania...

Here are some screenshots from the game ive been playing (game of life) -MY BIG WINS!!
BIGGEST WIN!! (you may see the the 5 is redone but i promise you i rilly got 5.. just so happened the confetti was infront of my score when i printed the screen...)

Not so big win:

Charis becoming insane... DOTS!!! (charis is red, my fren is purple)

Well, i guess thats all. Luv you computer!! To see the pics bigger click on them...

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Oh man!! Just came back from cc camp at genting and i am so excited to tell u about it cos it was soooo fun!! excuse any spelling mistakes cos i am soooo excited!!

okay... start from day 1::
left church at about... dunno wad time la cos i too excited. almost all helpers ride in van. i sat wiv jedida. ruby like emo oni in the bus cos she listen to music while reading her pyschology book... then i just bising la cos bryan hair so wet from sweat. then dunno how suddenly david laugh then he ter spit on bryan... LOL I couldn't stop laughing. ok, then we arrived at genting

 during the games, i lepak at the side wiv my fwens... i met new ppl. the food wasnt XTRA nice la but, be grateful rit?

Day 2::
i went to the morning watch. i supposed to wake up at 5:45 but i woke up at 5 to go tandas. then i try to sleep but until 5:30 tak boleh so i just wake up. at 5, ruby wasnt in her bed but i was too lazy to find her. then when i woke up at 5:30, she came back. then we bising in the toilet cos after we wake the others up. she actually felt hungry and went out to eat cup noodles... then we tok till about 5:50 then fster get redi then go morn watch.

games i lepak again.

Day 3::
went to morn watch at 6:30. supposed to be 6 but i too sleepy.
then all helpers had to do the chicken dance BCOS of Nick, ben, bryan, jon... they din sleep during siesta (rest time). I so gud gal sleep but bcos of them... haih
Ben brought this torchlight that cost 150 bucks =O and the batteries are like 44 buck for two XO its seriously powerful. when he shines it in the mist, (genting mah) it looks like a beam saber lol. when i went for my evening walk, i kinda went nuts from the cold. i sang the song from atb 'i feel, i feel so alive' again and again. trust me, you wouldn't hv wanted to mess wiv me when in that state. \

Day 4::
i din go for morn watch cos i too sleepy. neither did ruby. couldn't go out for morning walk cos raining. soo cold man!! now feel so hot... then tok wiv mah fwens. MY GROUP GOT 1ST IN GAMES!! =D but helpers dun get prize... =( then the free gift was a bottle and a bottle holder. so much better than last year... then at night, i drank half a cup of coffee to stay awake cos we get to stay late till 12!! (only... but better than nth) then bryan drank 9 cups of coffee!!! =O i wanted to hang out at the foyer but i scared kena eye bags so i just sleep.then all the kids ask for my autograph... XD then i ate cup noodles... and lotsa vsoy.

Day 5::
Going bak home... :( anyway, when we were on our way bak, all of us helpers shouted bye to everyone we saw as a tradition. all the genting ppl smile and wave bak but the kl ppl all glare at us like we are crazy... so fun.

Monday, November 23, 2009

ol skul reu... catchup time! XD

yay! so happy, went to my old skool erm, last week? i posted this very l8... Kin Kit, Adrienne, Mun Han Yen Lin Kah Chun Chen Keat Mall Marcus and etc etc were there. it wasnt that fun la since i hd to rush off so early... anyway, kah chun had brought a camera so he was busy takin photos la... then, *DRAMATIC MUSIC* He caught adrin n kin kit's pics together... :) how sweet...

From this angle, loooks like adrin pulling kin kit's arm to go sumwhere... dunno do wad XD

Here, they look like they are argueing... kin kit's posture look so baby ish... adrin so garang!

i lazy upload more pic. just look at kah chun's fb to see more adrin x kin kit pix.. actually i a bit scared they all scold me i say these things... XD

Anyway, goodbye and good riddance!

PS: If marcus reads this, EMPIRE ROX!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Wad do u think this looks like?

What does it look like?lol... comment away!!

Will post wat it rilly is tomoro or when i feel like it...

Thursday, November 12, 2009



After almost a year of being goody two shoes, I'M A PREFECT! And i didn't even have a logo! LOL


I love my tie and prefect badge...=D

prefects day =D

Yesterday was prefects day. It was soo memorable!

Will miss you farhana li dia, becky, amaraa, charis, jai xin, pei ching, balqis, kave, syaz, ni kol, AND EVERYBODY ELSE!!

Enjoy your life before you retire!

Study hard for PMR!


A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.

The most memorable moment yesterday was when we walked down the green aile with our cupcakes. When we gave them to you. I will never forget. I will NEVER. Hope you savoured the cupcakes and remembered everything and everytime we were together. MISS YOU!! 

For more photos, see link here... (facebook)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

60th Blog Post!

Yay!! This is my 60 th blog post!! =D
I was so scared... I didn't study b4 the exam... only during I study. Then my BM I never realy study at all! But my BM get 67... =P That is second highest in my class!! Soo.... now, my class position. =O
I got number... 2!!
ohemgee... so happy!! But I dunno whether can get prize cos my skool mebe only give prize for no 1... I HATE YOU DAHRSHINI... Curi my no 1 place!! =P

Oh well,
SMILE, it makes a difference... >>Current MSN name!

Friday, November 6, 2009

I... miss... you

Dunno why ar, nowadays, I feel like I miss my old frens so much. And I also miss my old skool. I hv 4gotten almost all my old skool teacher name. Even my last year 6C and 6B I terlupa la. Hiaz, I wish our old skool wll arrange a special getogether. Hehe, I don't exactly miss:: MARCUS AND YEN LIN... hmm, mb they two dating. XD JKJK. I AM SO BUSY BEING A PROBATIONAL PREFECT... I think I'm begining to regret... O.o

That's all, I know... lame post. I really dunno what to type,

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Hey hey... I thought of a new game.
Give the meaning of each word below. Be as creative and wacky as possible!
  • rain- a drink for the plants
  • water- H2O
  • laptop- an addictive square-ish thingy
  • hair- black fine strings attached to a human's head
  • smile- a curve that makes a whole lotta difference
  • music- what your eardrums do to you
  • love- the reaction hormones give
  • food- something that goes down your throuaght and goes out your .... eh-hem XD
  • chemical- weird creative things in our body
  • videos- pixels changing colours
  • pixel- a small square on any screen
  • chat- two girls on the phone for 8 hours
  • game- something to get addicted to
NOW, I tag
  1. Kin Kit
  2. Marcus
  3. Adrienne
  4. David
  5. Ruby
Have fun!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

A good day gone bad....

Oh man, I got up as normal (9.30 am =P) then play a while with family, then I was begging my father to turn on thecomputer. Finally he say 'Oklah, oklah!' Then I faster run to turn on the computer. Malangnya, my poor toe got caught in my longs slacks and I literally went 'sprawling'. I hit the floor like, BANG. My poor mouth took all the impact. Dunno why my hands like frozen, never block. Then I started crying!! Gosh, how embarrassing is that? I think its ok though cos it was hurting like.... SO MUCH!!!!!! My tooth bleeding... boo hoo. Not bad lar, but I felt a bit of tooth on my tounge. Not big, very small,... MY TOOTH WAS CHIPPED. Let's see, let me tell you how I am right now:
  • My right side of lip is swollen
  • My two teeth (front, not both front, one front, one next to it) are chipped
  • My root of one of the teehth are still bleeding a lil
  • I can hardly bite properly
  • My bottom lip is a bit cut... here comes ulcer (oh man, just when my other ulcer was healing =( )
  • My gums are still aching
  • When I touch my two front teeeth, IT HURTS!!
What a BAD DAY... hey, this is not a joke kay! This really happened!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The moment of truth...

YES!!!! MY FINAL EXAM IS OVER!!!! (I guess thats all I can say...)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Blog Action Day '09

This thing caught my eye... enjoy!! Hmm, mebe we shud do this together...

Monday, October 12, 2009


Right right... it's about music again. I dunno, but I rilly love music! I already am learning piano.... mebe I shud take up guitar...
Let's see, I think I should add a short list of my fave words and meanings a lot of you might not and might understand...
  • abaden?=if it isn't this, what else can it be?
  • obviously...=it's really obvious...
  • sweat...=lame!
  • evil=I want your attention
  • cute=comel/....
I guess that's all...
Charis charis CHARIS
haih... charis been weird nowadays... dunno why she always like marah marah and like, I say a lil bit offending things she marah... then I am worried about her... she show me a book. Got some weird names inside lar. Then one of the names means guiding forest then she say 'who do you think should be given the name?' I said ruby.... wrong. david..... wrong. her.... wrong. She says it's me... i couldn't make any sense. Then she says who should 'blasting mountain' be. Cheeky-ness springed into me and said, 'you'. Gawsh, luckily I lari from there oredy..... hehe, random I know, Bryan brought a bb gun!! I dunno why I cant load it... mebe I very lemah.... lol

2 b continued... sowwie

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Facebook Exposure

Hey Hey people...
To those who have been bugging me to get Facebook, sorry to say, I still havent gotten it! The title may have risen your hopes but... I just checked out Facebook using my school's account... The anly thing interesting was the farm game! Gawsh... I dunno how you guys can go on on on playing it for hours...

Friday, October 9, 2009

Tagging people for fun... I like it!

Pass this tag to 10 people !
  1. Marcus
  2. David Foo
  3. Charis
  4. Ruby
  5. Yen Lin
  6. Jian Liang
  7. Ben
  8. Timmy
  9. Angelene
  10. Adrienne

1. Would you date number 5?
ERM... *ignores question*

2. Number 2 just got in a car crash. How do you react?
Hah... padan muka!=P

3. You see number 9 with your boy/girlfriend.
I dun care wan... she memang very 'attractive'...

4. You come home and your room has been ransacked by number 4.
Aiyo you ar...

5. Number 1 is acting weird.
As always?

6. Numbers 3 and 8 decide to give 10 a haircut.
Waliao... I don't think Adrienne will let them man...

7. Number 7 just got tickets for him/her and you to go to a concert.
hmm... where are the seats? front row then baru I pergi.

8. Number 10 takes you to a bar.
mebe she very lonely...

9. Number 4 has to move to the other side of the world.
bye and good riddance! jk jk

10.You and number 8 are being chased by the cops for an unknown reason.
hmm... we are criminals for stealing popcorn from movies!! lol

11. Number 7 and you are sitting on the couch watching a movie when he/her wrap his/her arm around you.
*slaps*WHAT YOU THINK YOU DOIN HAR!!*storms off*

12. Number 5 asks you out to dinner.
oo... you belanja leh?

13. Number 9 and you are sitting in a bus.
errr... I don't think so... mebe she running away from her 'fans'...

14. Number 6 calls you in the middle of the night because he/she can’t sleep.
eh, how you get my number ah?

15. Your walking with someone and number 6 runs up and tackles you to the ground from behind.

16. Number 1 is crying one day and you ask him/her why and it seems their boy/girlfriend has dumped them.
again... I expected it. =P

17. Number 2 offers to bake you a meal. As you sit in the other room, the kitchen is suddenly aflame.

18. Number 5 comes to your door one day holding a koala.
Wah... you brought back from Aus ar?

19. Number 3 just got you an X-Box.

20. Number 9 challenges you to a children’s card game.

21. Number 1 thinks he/she’s overweight.
you shoudn't think... cos you are!

22. Number 7 looks lonely.
go find someone and get something to do...

23. Number 2 asks you rudely to go leave her/him alone.
aww... don't be so rude!! ><*stalks off*

24. Numbers 5 and 3 decide to throw a surprise party for you.
=D Tq...

25. Number 6 decide to dye their hair black. What do you say?
already black... want to be sommore black for wat?

26. Number 2 tells you he/she is going to go out for a while, and then later you hear about a shooting where 2 went.
mebe it's he who started it...

27. You catch number 9 by him/herself, crying.
why, your bf dump you is it?

28. Numbers 1 , 3 , 5, and 6 all tackle you at once! Is it possible?

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Yeah, yeah... about movies again...
This time, it's not very new. You could look it up on the net. Search 'Alex Rider Stormbreaker'. It's based on the book 'Stormbreaker' by Anthony Horowitz. I watched it on Youtube. It's pretty cool. Though it wasn't very well with critics, I think it's cool. Trailer below. It was released in 2006. Check out Wikipedia for more info. If you can, read the book.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Imagine That

Hey hey! New movie! Obviously I go for the comedies...

If you want to watch it in HD, double-click on the video above and use the video on youtube.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Alamk... blog famours pula XD

Oh man... great... Im publicising my blog by accident. Use google to search 'How to put a cbox on your blog'. The first useful link is to my blog!! Oh man..... great... =S

Friday, September 25, 2009

=D G-Force

LOL... sorry, I know you guys think I'm very childish...
I posted my first post in June...

OMG... Bucky is so cute though he has a mental problem. Juarez also so... *whistles* The villain was soooo unexpected. LOL. Sorry, make you read all this kiddy stuff. Enjoy your day!
:'( My bro goin off to Singapore cos he got the scholarship... I know I should be happy for him but... BWAAAAAH!

A few messages to my friends:
Angee-How are you? How are your 'relationships', eh? LOL
Adrienne-Hey, how is your new school? Is it nice there? It's not a girl school rit? Oh lucky u...
David-Lose some weight man, and stop growing taller than me!
Ruby-How are your emotions... is your crush the guy wearin the black blue and orange baju the other time? *wink wink nudge nudge*
Tim-How are you man! Hope you are looking forward to YC!
Ben-You have got to control that lameness...
Yen Lin-Watch out for boys... don't wanna *coughs* get a *coughs* eh-he-hem *coughs*
Kin Kit-Good luck in ITB... beat Marcus in his studies!
Marcus-*no message* XP
No one else, right? Allright, bye!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Simple yet Nice

Hey people! Okay... here is a short summary of what has happened to me so far:
-Passed 'election', became probationary prefect
-Holidays are here again!
-Doing SAVE.THE.ANIMALS project with Ani
-I love Microsoft Movie Maker
-Got new background!! (topic)
Well, well, I guess that's all... See ya soon!

PS: I am having a bit of trouble with my posts. The 'What do you think? [box]boring [box]funny [box] interesting' thing for posts is not coming out no matter how many times I click save... help!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Music fills my soul...

I know the title very 'emo', but I think it's really true. I can't survive without my computer (Youtube), radio, MP4!!, and so on... I love music. Music is my life. I am so happy I 'm learning piano. At least I have something different. The following are my favourite songs so far (with link):

Colbie Caillat-Fallin' For You

-The truth about every girl's crush
Check it out IMMEDIATLY

Rascal Flatts-Here Comes Goodbye
-Beautiful music
-Makes you feel like singing-along

The Script-The Man Who Can't Be Moved
-Nice Music...
-Lyrics very meaningful

Lol... I'm outta ideas! Well, I'm trying not make this too emo-not-like-myself-ish. But 'cos I'm listening to that Here Comes Goodbye song now I am really feeling that calm emo like feeling.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Social Media Revolution

Just thought this was interesting:

>>Couldn't upload the video directly... lazy to download.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Chewing gum on a freezing day...

[I know the title doesn't make sense but still...]
Found this on the net... seems REALLY funny... if you can read and understand it properly.

The European Commission has just announced an agreement whereby English will be the official language of the EU rather than German, which was the other possibility. As part of the negotiations, Her Majesty's Government conceded that English spelling had some room for improvement and has accepted a 5 year phase-in plan that would be known as "EuroEnglish": --

In the first year, "s" will replace the soft "c".. Sertainly, this will make the sivil sevants jump with joy. The hard "c" will be dropped in favor of the "k". This should klear up konfusion and keyboards kan have one less letter.

There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year, when the troublesome "ph" will be replaced with the "f". This will make words like "fotograf" 20% shorter.

In the 3rd year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be expekted to reach the stage where more komplikated changes are possible. Governments will enkorage the removal of double letters, which have always ben a deterent to akurate speling. Also, al wil agre that the horible mes of the silent "e"'s in the languag is disgrasful, and they should go away.

By the 4th yar, peopl wil be reseptiv to steps such as replasing "th" with "z" and "w" with "v". During ze fifz year, ze unesesary "o" kan be dropd from vords kontaning "ou" and similar changes vud of kors be aplid to ozer kombinations of leters.

After zis fifz yer, ve vil hav a reli sensibl riten styl. Zer vil be no mor trubls or difikultis and evrivun vil find it ezi tu understand ech ozer.


Taken from ::
That's all for now..

BTW: Check out our class blog at:

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Bathing under a waterfall...

1. Hey... it's so unfair. Charis is going to Spain, Yen Lin is in Australia and so on. I NEVER GO OVERSEAS :(
2. I passed my prefect interview! :D
3. I love to watch things on the computer!

That's about all...
Sorry for the short posts and late updates but I just don't know what to put...

Monday, August 24, 2009

Refreshing things

Hey... lotsa thoughts in my head but I dun think I have enough time to put it all. Let's make it short n sweet.

Scene 1
Went for my theory exam this morning... managed to answer almost everything. the crazy term and sign...
Scene 2
lucky her... but I most envy her is that she got to go to a build-a-bear shop!! :'((( sooooo jealous. if me I will beg my parents to let me make two or three, or four, or five.....
Scene 3
What is wrong with you guys... never update your blogs for like the LONGEST time... YES I MEAN YOU, DAVID FOO
Scene 4
I LOVE CLUB PENGUIN... it's sooooo fun... can play so many different things. but I wish I was a member! D: but am not willing to pay for such things.
Scene 5
Yay.... kin kit maybe organizing a party. hope he will invite every1 like ck, adrin, max....


till next time (very long mb)

Oh ya!
Final Scene

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Alamak... kena tag pulak

Oh well... here it goes!

Starting time: -5:18 PM-
1. Name one object that brings up good recollections of your very young childhood (4 years and below).
Nope... I have a very bad memory

2. How old were you when you first started using the computer or TV?
err... dunno. same as above ^^

3. Did you enjoy any form of vegetables/fruits you were willing to eat when you were 4 and below, but hate now?

4. Were there any foods you disliked when you were young, but love now?
err... used to like durians and prawns but not now... not hate lar... just dun really like

5. What was the first fad you had? (e.g. Transformers, animals, Barney, Bob the Builder, Star Wars, Hot Wheels)
err... Barbie dolls? But of course I'vee outgrown them
6. Did you enjoy your first day at school (or kindergarten)?
corse not!

7. Have you ever enjoyed reading? What was the first book you ever read by yourself (or were forced to read)?
err... dun remem

8. How heavy were you when you were just born?
private liao

Now I tag... Angelene Wong, Alicia Lai, David Foo and Ruby Wong!

тнє яє¢єηт тιмєѕ Issue 1

Haiz.... was too lazy to keep writing :: Recent Happenings. Summore so boring. Anyway:

-'Never judge a book by it's cover'... how true. Our Moral teacher looked very scary at first but after a while, he turned out very fun. But the more important VIPs (Very Idiotic Person) are DAHRSHINI, MOHANA AND JAIYASWINY! By sharing some stuff and whispering to each other and laughing like crazy at every little joke, our moral class is not only alive, it's livelier! THANKS DAHRSHINI, MOHANA AND JAIYASWINY!

-During Moral class... again, on the 31st of July (which happens to be Warrior Day), 1K's Moral teacher said "Hari ini hari istimewa kerana..." (Today is a special day because...) And then suddenly, one girl pointed out and shouted "MONKEY!!" There was a big fuzzy monkey in the hallway. It went down and then came up with some food. All the girls quickly grabbed their bottles. Then, in the other door, two or three smaller monkeys
peeped in. The Moral teacher (a guy) went closer and closer to it, then the monkey went a bit further back, further back then it suddenly popped back in front in a position ready to attack or jump. The teacher slowly backed up. It stayed in that position for a while then left. *sighs*
How true...

Taken from :


Saturday, July 25, 2009

Last Week... (continuation of 'DrAmA MaMa')

Recent happenings:
It was a peaceful day. The whole class was in Lab 6, being tought by their science teacher. While completing their work, one of the girls rushed to thier class monitor saying "Eh, monyet dah masuk kelas kita! Kelas kita berserepak!" (English: "Eh, monkeys have entered our class! Our whole class in a mess!") So our responsible monitor and Drama Mama rush to class to find the whole classmessed up. There were noodles on a chair, colour pencils, a rubik's cube, water bottle open and empty (the water was on the floor) and the dustbin was overturned. Drama Mama screamed and kicks her chair in rage when she found her bottle empty on her table and the floor around her wet. They go back to the lab and finish the science lesson. Once back at class, they all clean up the mess. That was when they discovered some monkey poop on Angee's chair. Unfortunately it had touched Angee's bag too. So their BM teacher let them spend almost the whole lesson cleaning up the class.
Not only does taking the LRT save money, it also saves the enviroment. If you live in Ampang, Sri Petaling, Sentul Timur, Senutl, Bandar Tun Razak, Salak Selatan and many more, take the LRT!!
The Show-Lenka
Make it Mine-Jason Mraz
I'm Yours-Jason Mraz
Lucky-Jason Mraz
Look them up in YouTube!

PS:Sorry about the many 'to be continued...' 'cos I sometimes am blank

Friday, July 24, 2009

DrAmA mAmA

LOL... guess what I'm being called now by Angee... DRAMA MAMA!!
Here's why:
1) When I went on jungle trekking, Angee terstep on my foot then I scream. Then she whack me, then I scream too... then when mosquitos come near me I scream... then she called me drama mama...

Anyway recent happenings:
::jungle trekking
::something of mine kena rampas
::Tues was bad
(to be continued...)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Yellow! :D (continued)

On Friday someting sooooo funny happened::
Me, Angee, Alicia, Ting Huan, Hui Min and Che Yan were sitting at the table during recces...We were eating then Che Yan wanted one of Alicia's wan tan. Then CY very fussy want to use a toothpick to take the wan tan off another stick. Then Angee try to help lor. Still cannot get the want tan off... then suddenly Hui Min use her hand and take the wan tan and put it in her mouth. LOL Then Che Yan take Angee's nugget. LOL. (luckily I finish my keropok oredy...)

Hope to post soon!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Yellow! :D

Ello! Long time no post!

Recent happenings::
=Targeted marks: (b4 exam)
=Targeted marks: (marks I think I will get)(after exam)

So teruk hor? Anyway I'll continue the post l8er...

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Manhattan Fish Market

Wah... today I went to eat at The Manhattan Fish Market... the fish sooo nice and smooth. I wish I could have tried their flaming prawns but too expensive liao... I SO LOVE THEIR GARLIC BUTTER RICE!! It is like so cool and just right the texture... not too hard not too soft. AND THE TASTE IS AWESOME! LOL... this is the first time I ever been there... so expensive mar. I only went cos I got some vouchers. Anyway, when you go there, REMEBER TO TRY THE GARLIC BUTTER RICE!! (man, the calamari was like ee-yuck but it is actually nice... I just hate valamari... =P)

Friday, July 10, 2009

ezy cum, ezy go

LOL... I dunno wat's wrong with me. I cry so easily... then I recover ultra fast! I was playing some stupid game involving chairs (you know this Brendy!!) then I was the unlucky one at the end so I had to 'throw' the cahir as far as I can then jump on it then the others (6 ppl on 4 chairs) cross over onto the next chair then the one at the other end passes the chairs. It was easy at first it was like a rhythm cos it was like take, trow jump, land, turn take, jump, land, turn... (I didn't really jump just like crossing over while the chair is leaning to one side or rather losing my balance cos Brenda is like holding on to the chair bending down so I didn't have much space [or should I say NO space!] to turn so I kept losing my balance while 'throwing' the chair. (The ppl at the back so gedik cos they are like 'jauh! jauh!')Things seemed to be easy at first... I miraculously managed to keep my balance perectly at first. Then I looked aroung and saw that our team was the last. Then I tried to throw the chair further and further. Brenda was like so scared to cross over. She kept saying 'It's so far!'... lol. Anyway the problem started when I was trying to 'jump' then my left leg slipped but it was dangling there cos my right leg managed to get a grip. (we had to take off our shoes for this). Then it went well again then I slipped and both my legs landed on each side of the chair but I was still standing up. Then okay, then I slipped and the chair fell down but I was okay. Then when the game was gonna fin, I totally slipped and not only did our team get last but I fell down and the chair kinda fell on me! After that, bcos of the shock, the humiliation that I fell down and anger, I started to cry... LOL. Then after about 15 mins, I hummed Lenka's The Show during my sobbing... then I felt happy again... lol. Then I decided to join in the next game. Brenda looked surprised then asked me 'Why you recover so fast?'... LOL!! What a day, what a day...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


LOL! My skool beat Chen Keat's skool teruk-teruk liao! I saw his look of 'despair' (though I hardly think someone as laidback as him will be). Our school got 1st for choral speaking at state level! CK's skool didn't win anything... muahaha! I was so happy that I screamed my head off when it was announced! I was so overjoyed (although I wasn't in ch0ral speaking)... Anyway, dunno whether CK was deaf or something but I call his name so loud he didn't hear!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Holidays are never long enough...

How, how true. HOLS ARE NEVER LONG ENOUGH!! When you get to the start of the loooong hols, in the blink of an eye, the end is near! LOL. Then you think "TT I hate skool!!"... they're never long enough are they?

Saturday, July 4, 2009

LOL lar Angee...

Yesterday there was a fire drill... then all of us went out to the St John's skool there... earlier during BM two prefects had went to call Angee for sumtin. Then when we got to the St John's place, we had to line up A-Z. That's when I realised that Angee was missing. I somehow connected it with the prefects calling her. But I wasn't sure but I suddenly knew. Her fren, Jaiya thought it was a real kebakaran then she almost cried when she couldnt find Angee... Angee was actually at the bilik sakit waiting for sumone to find her. But no one came. Then, Angee refered to herself as 'roasted chicken'... ROFL!!

me bday!!

My Impossible Bday List::
₪A Nintendo Wii
₪A PS3
₪A new house
₪A letter saying you will pay for all my electric bills
₪My own laptop

My Actual Bday list::
ஓA nice book
ஓA trip to Sunway Lagoon
ஓA new hairband (scrunchie) and another small thing
ஓBeryl's Chocolate worth RM50
ஓA trip to Aquaria or Petrosains
ஓA chance to go jalan-jalan with my frens
ஓA nice digital watch
ஓA nice expensive wallet
ஓAn extra cool t-shirt
ஓA really cool necklace or an awesome pendant
ஓA nice pretty bracelet

Things I suggest you don't buy::
♨Soft toys (I really have enough)
♨Ear rings... I did not pierce my ears!!
♨A skirt.... seriously
♨Key chains... I really have too many
♨Ornaments (eg: photo frames, ceramic stuff...)... just left there to collect dust
♨Cups/mugs... obviously I have enough
♨A kiddy book... really
♨lats but not least... NOTEBOOKS!!


Aiyo... feel like kicking myself!! I totally regret not memorizing my oral test properly... I like totally screwed up! One of my frens went first then I realized in the one I memorized I missed out a lot of things... then I tried to make my own. Teacher obviously pick one chinese, one malay and one indian. First was Mohana then Amira... then I was like, trying to make my own up and hopin teacher wont pick me... and then... "Ah..." Then teacher pointed at me... I felt like I had the worst luck in the whole world!! Then I totally said all the wrong things. I was stuttering at every sentence!! Then when I finished, (teacher had said "good" at Mo and Amira's ones) teacher didnt even say good! I felt so embarrased!! Then here comes the worst part. After me, one more girl couldnt finish her sinopsis then teacher started to explain to everybody!! Then teacher said the next day she will ask the others... then the next day she gave us theplot and all that stuff... I feel so unfair cos I and the others who did oredy had to read the totally confusing story by ourselves then we had to do the sinopsis ourselves!! Now the others whoh haven do have a clearer idea of what to write in the sinopsis... SOOOO UNFAIR!!! Here's sumtin I did while waiting for a fren to fin:

b4:: nervous
durin:: very nervous
after:: mega dissapointed...

(b4: b4 the test, during, during the test, after, after the test)

Oh well... hope to post again!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Sorry Angee...

Sorry Angee! But still I feel u r so bad cos u make me so emo just becos u dun like the poll!! I tot u went bak to ignoring me... rupa-rupanya just bcos of that!!! Whatlar you!!!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

boo hoo....

my evil plan x worked!!! got one fat girl block alicia... anyway, today was so fun. i love the band, wushu and choir the most!

things i'm doin:
  1. thinking of wat to type here
  2. laughing
  3. yawning
  4. chatting wiv angee
  5. whacks own back
  6. goes to toilet
  7. comes back
  8. rubs eye
  9. feels back
  10. back hurts
  11. plays with hair
That's all!!
Hope to post again soon!!

Friday, June 26, 2009


Haha... sry for the late post. Just that I very busy... dun be busybody want to know wat. Anyway, I have the perfect plan to get a pic of Alicia!! Actually, it's rather simple. (No I'm not gonna tell you!!!) Just a random thought: Angee looks so cute when she's doing wushu. :D

This song totally rocks. By Yiruma. It was his song. Not from Twilight.

River Flows in You, Yiruma:

Go to it ASAP!!

Then vote in the poll... whether you like it... THX!!


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Cool thingys...

You can these in your posts by just copying them. Got them from

♬ ♩ ♭ ♪ ☎ ☏ ♨ ♠ ♣ ♧ ♥ ♡ ஓ ﻬ ஐ ღ ☆ ★ o ๑•ิ.•ั๑ ₪ ¡ Þ ௫ μ ๑۞۩๑ ๑ﺴ



Monday, June 8, 2009


I saw the trailer at the cinema and it was so cute!! I hope I get to watch it in 3-D when it comes out... :D

The film revolves around a team of trained secret agent guinea pigs Darwin, Juarez , Blaster, the mole, Speckles, and a fly Mooch. The team takes on a mission for the US government to stop evil billionaire Leonard Saber, who plans to destroy the world with household appliances. Before they can accomplish their mission, the government shuts them down and they are sentenced to a pet shop. Darwin, Juarez, Blaster, Speckles, Mooch, and their new friends Hurley and hamster Bucky must escape the cage to defeat the villain, stop his threat, and save the world.



>known as spottee or sumtin else that starts wiv me
>age... u dun need to know that, rit?
>hobby... be myself, annoy ppl, chat... etc. etc.
>ambition... actually dunno yet

ღ my crazy loopy wacky fwens ღ
♬Ruby:: listens to me... knows me quite well
♬Charis Wong:: fren since kindergarten
♬David:: fat fella who is nice to bully
♬Angee:: kinda best fren in skool (almost only one who listens to me)
♬Yen Lin:: weird gal but nice at times... dependes on her mood
♬Kin Kit:: nice guy... fun to be with
♬Adrienne:: good girl... dunno whther got relationship wiv ^^ (above)
♬Elanor:: cool n funny gal
♬Dania:: cute gal who borrows me books =D
♬Farah Diana:: cute gal... 5 star cheek pincher
♬Jaspreet:: funny tall sarcastic gal
♬Mohana:: very smart girl... as kind as she is smart
♬Dahrshini:: clown of the class :D
♬Wai Herng:: call him 'fei fei'
♬Brenda:: tok to her sumtimes
♬Ting Huan:: nice to talk to but rarely do
♬Chen Keat:: rarely tok but very funny
♬Te Xia:: ^^ (same as above)
♬Alicia:: best fren of Angee but I dun really tok to her
♬Jian Liang:: get lotsa cool pix from him

♬Mun Han:: used to be called 'teddy bear'
♬Marcus:: braniac n nerdy... can be xtra irritating at times

PS: List is in order from best (top) to fren (bottom)
PSS: If I didn't put any of my friend's names not that I'm not ur fren jus that I dun wanna waste space!

♨ThInGs I HaTe♨
ﻬsnobbish ppl
ﻬdirty stuff (both ways)
ﻬbossy ppl
when two of my friends fight

♡ThInGs i lOvE♡
₪ myself
₪ attention
₪ kind nice ppl
₪ cute stuff
₪ teddies
₪ pink, black n blue
₪ chatting

▒ThAt'S AlL!!▒

PS:: The layout of this blog is taken from
PSS:: My friends forced me to add this ^^

Sunday, June 7, 2009


haha. got to watch night at the museum 2 after all. it was hilarious! here r all the parts i tot were funny n some add facts: (not in any sequence)
-when the kamunrah fella keeps saying 'i am back to life'!!
-when the roman guy is like 'CHAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGGGGEEEEEE!!!!' then it zooms out to be sooo quiet...
-the squirrel and the roman fella burst through like it's so heroic when they're actually soo small
-when the kamunrah guy tries to order the bird ppl and has to squack
-when the two mini guys r slashing the shoes and it seems to have no effect but when it zooms out it shows the ppl hopping about on one leg
-did u know the three cupids r the jonas brothers??

Phew... there were many more funny parts but i'm too tired to say them... u shud watch the movie. VERY FUNNY!!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

so dissapointing...

boo hoo... so sad.
today i went to sunway pyramid.
i wanted to watch night at the museum 2 (i know it's kiddy but i just wanted to watch it 4 fun) so i went to the tgv cinemas (or sumtin like tgv) but the 2 30 show n the 4 45 show all full!!
since i lined up so long i just decided to go for monsters vs aliens (i know... even kiddier but just watch 4 fun mar...) but the only seats left were the seats RIGHT AT THE FRONT!!
i didn't want to get stiff neck or neck ache or stuff like that so i just left... so sad i felt like crying.
not that i x get to watch the show just that I LINED UP FOR LIKE, 45 MINS AND I CUM OUT WITH NTH!!!!
-(no phrase 4 today cos i am too sad to think of one...)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

How to put a cbox on your blog...

Just for fun 'cos I have a friend who didn't know how to put a cbox onto his blog.

Please credit my blog and add a link. And leave a message in the cbox with your website's link! PLEASE...
2011 Edit: NO NO DON'T LEAVE A MESSAGE IN THE CBOX... thank you very much. 

1. Get a blog... duh.
2. Go to and sign up for an account.
3. Go to your blog's dash board and click on layout
4. Click on 'Add a Gadget'.
5. When the window comes out, click on 'HTML/Javascript'.
6. Insert whatever name you want for your cbox.
7. Go to, sign in then click on 'publish'.
8. Insert your blog's url then copy the code.
9. Insert the code into the 'content' box in the html/javascript window.

You're welcome :)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

it's a hap hap happy day!

i don't know why i'm so happy. just feel happy. do you notice that whenever you're happy you suddenly feel sad. like me now. i felt so happy when i typed in the title but suddenly i remembered the amount of homework i have then i feel so lazy n sad. so pathetic lah me. i totally hate history... geography is okee dokee but history is sooooo boring! when my teacher is teaching i sometimes feel so sleepy. i suddenly remember the amount of hols i have and i'm happy then i remembered school will cum after ther hols... well,
'life is a mixture of sorrows and delight'

Monday, June 1, 2009

So funny!!!

My friend told me that this happened to her:
She was sitting under a tree when her friend came and asked her "Why do you look so sad nowadays?" Then my friend said "No, I'm not sad." Then her friend told her to smile and open her mouth. Then her friend looked up and saw something and asked my friend to look up. Just then, the fruit from the tree dropped right into her mouth and she swallowed it! Hahaha!
Well that is all... Spottee

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Self-invented Craft

You need:
=Three coloured paper (three different colours)
=Flower shaped puncher

1.Punch three flowers, one from each colour... I'd suggest green pink and yellow.
2.Glue the pink flower onto the green flower.
3.Then glue the yellow flower onto the pink flower.
4.Bend the pink flower (with the yellow flower) up.

You can give it to a friend, stick it onto cards and stuff like that! That's all!!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

(Insert thy title here)

I seriously don't know what to type... other than the fact I don't like History! Well, Geo is okay... but I hate History!>=( I know... I should stop complaining and go study but it's so boring... anyone know where to find nice blog templates AND how to use them, please leave a thought! (comment) My blog also has a prob with pictures... they sumtimes dun work... anyway, remem to post template links! THX! =D

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Eh-heh... future poem writer?

Nah. Just joking. How was my poem 'The Day'? Did for an oral test... in 5 minutes! :D Anyway... my photoshop seems to be havin a little problem... I save a 500x500 pixel pix and try to put it as my messenger disp pic but it said that the file I chose was not a valid file type... then I use paint and save as again then only it works. So complicated... anyway, hope to post again soon!


Friday, April 3, 2009

The Day

In a day,
There's twilight, dawn, morning and night
Oh, how beautiful, oh what a sight
The wonders of nature are truly amazing
Without them could we still be breathing?

Almost anything can happen in a day
From raining to thunder to the Sun's rays
From the death of a person to a baby arriving
Could anyone do anything more amazing?

A day consists of 24 hours
About a thousand minutes 
And lots of seconds
A day is a very special miracle
Live it to it's best and treasure what happens

(A spottee original, pls do not simply take and use... at least credit me!)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

News, Stuff... err... and stuff.

So... today's err, colour.

Blue is a colour, the perception of which is evoked by light having a spectrum dominated by energy with a wavelenght of roughly 440–490 nm. It is considered one of the addictive primary colours. On the HSV Colour Wheel, the of blue yellow; that is, a colour corresponding to an equal mixture of red and green light. On a colour wheel based on traditional colour theory (RYB), the complementary colour to blue is considered to be orange (based on the Munsell Colour Wheel) The English Language commonly uses "blue" to refer to any colour from navy blue to cyan. The word itself is derived from the Old French word bleu.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Another post!!! :D

You wanna know what I find a little weird about blogspot? The time. After I go and say I just eat lunch then takkan pulak I eat lunch at 4 AM!!!X( Anyway, if you're gonna ask me what the 'spottee' thingy is all about... it's just random... seriously. I had actually written out the whole post but I have forgotten EVERYTHING!! o.O Anyway I lazy to type anymore... mb I will post again soon.......

Monday, March 16, 2009

Dapat blog juga!

Finally I get my own blog. So happy! I have the rest of the holidays to add on things! :D Anyway now I hope ALL my fwens know about my blog! :DD sigh... really ar, almost nothing to type here lah. So wait for another post lor.